Latest update on Stingray: You Can’t Hide Forever.
So we spent the weekend camping and tubing down the Ichetuknee River. Really needed to clear my head. I think I now know where to embellish the story. Will tackle that in the coming weeks.
On another bright note, the manuscript is with my editor for her first pass and insight.
Looks like we are on target still for a Thanksgiving release, though I’m not sure if the cover image for Stingray 2 (working title) will be ready. It’s been trickier then I thought it would be to line up models (I think I have the last one for this coming weekend shoot) and then my artist’s schedule is swamped. But the priority is to get You Can’t Hide Forever out, so it might be sans next book cover. Oh well. You can always follow me (click on any of the icons at the top right) and be the first in the know!
Right then, until next time…